I often end up comparing my home town, Dundee, to where I currently live, Oxford. They're both about the same size and have two universities, but that's about where the similarities end.
I love living in Oxford, but I've decided it totally sucks for one particular thing - clubbing!
Luckily I'm not a huge clubber, or I would probably hate living in Oxford. Last night, I made my long overdue first visit to
Ocean & Collins. The people I know that have been either loved it (Miguel) or hated it (pretty much everyone else I know who has ever dared set foot in the place).
I can now declare that I fall into the latter category.
It's basically a big room, with no atmosphere.
Some clubs have smoke machines on the dancefloor, or sometimes have bubble machines. Ocean & Collins don't go for any of that boring rubbish - they have a layer of broken glass to dance on! Brilliant - add the element of danger to your dancing - fall and you will lacerate yourself! I was probably about 2cm taller when on the dance floor with the amount of glass embedded in my shoes. At one point a guy came onto the dance floor, kind of pushed me out the way, then started sweeping up some glass. Quite futile. I held up my foot so he could scrape some of the glass of me too.
Maybe it would be an idea to ban bottles from the dancefloor?
Dundee is no clubbing Mecca, but, expanded commercial sell-out that it might be,
Fat Sams is a decent "large" club and
London is also quite good (I'm really talking about them as venues - I'll make no comment on clientèle and music).
...and I still remember the good ol' days in the Mardis Gras... not forgetting the Student Union where I spent most of my student days. It's been completely refurbished since I was there and is quite a
modern club venue now. I reckon it's probably lost of of it's "student" charm. The shape of the old
Liar Bar, whilst completely impractical, was great for me and Kev to go on "tours".
Ahhh those nostalgic student days...