Monday, 25 June 2007

Rufus Wainwright Gig @ New Theatre, Oxford

Despite feeling ill most of today, we went to see Rufus Wainwright play tonight. Was he any good? Well... I suppose. I suppose he was probably about the most talented person I have ever seen on stage. The guy is amazing. What a voice. Ok, he forgets how to sing and play his own songs, but he gets a laugh.

He is an amazing entertainer. His overt campness wasn't too off-putting. Now I have to admit I only know one Wainwright album - Poses - and on that I only really know one song off the top of my head - Cigarettes and Chocolate milk. He didn't play that one! I believe most of the songs were from his new album and they were all pretty damn good. And this is coming from someone who isn't a particular fan.

Talking of fans - the crowd was an interesting bunch. A real mix of ages, and quite a few oddities, including dumb and dumber sitting behind us (hey Beardy - you may love the sound of your own voice - but the rest of us don't and you sound nothing like Rufus so please SHUT IT - and get your harpy to pipe down too!). Whoever had the burst of Tourettes* when he was singing the song without the microphones should really have been strung up and used as target practice for Rufus' sharpened stilettos. Yes, stilettos - the "cabaret show" at the end was very entertaining. Also very entertaining was the theatre staff trying to stop everyone taking photos. Why bother?!

Now somewhere in the crowd, I could hear, but not see, my good friend Alfonso, author of the Wet, Dark and Wild blog. I suspect my old buddy will post a rather more thoughtful post about the gig. I just hope the Wet Dark and Wild blog is ready for the influx of visitors that having a link from here will create!

* no offence meant to genuine sufferers of Tourettes.

Matt's Stag Weekend Report

There was a stag weekend. It was in Spain. There were boats. There are no photos.

Thursday, 21 June 2007

Off to Spain!

Well, I should have been in London out on the town with Matt by now...

however, I ended up getting back to the flat late, had loads to do, so I am still here.

Plan has changed - now I will be getting the bus from Oxford to Stansted directly (rather than going via London and staying at Matt's). I say directly - I really mean it will be a rubbish 3h+ journey via every crappy place between here and Cambridge. Bus is at 1am and I will get to the airport at 4.10am. Flight is at 7.30am. Go Ryanair!

I think I will need a holiday to recover from this holiday.

Stag weekend report to follow....

Sunday, 10 June 2007

Brighton baby!

Met up with Dave at last. He's been working round Gatwick for ages but never had the chance to meet up with him. Yesterday I went through to Guilford on the train where he picked me up in his Audi A3 company car (jealous of the company car!) and we went for a night out in Brighton.
Scary number of hen parties out in Brighton! Went to various bars and ended up in Tru. Was a hell of a funny night!

Who's your daddy?


I bought myself a Nintendo Wii today. I've got Wii Sports and Medal of Honour. So far I've just been playing Sports. I had a quick go at Medal of Honour but it looks like it will take some getting used to.

Wendy and I have both made our Miis. We just need Dave to get his Wii online, then they can go visit each other. Or something like that... I don't really understand it yet.

Sunday, 3 June 2007

Celebrity look-alikes

It didn't really work for me but here we go:

Saturday, 2 June 2007

Big Pig

I saw a story on tonight's "Have I Got News for You?" about a giant wild boar that had been shot in the US. That thing is a beast! The family that caught it even set up a website about it.

Reminds me of a picture I took last year.