This is my blog. Mostly it is a place to share the things that I have been up to with my family and friends. I also use it to remind myself of what I have done and where I have been - sort of like a surrogate online memory...
Monday, 13 September 2010
NatWest MBA loan
Friday, 20 August 2010
Thursday, 8 July 2010
Saturday, 3 July 2010
All done and dusted

The biking is done for this year. Today we rode North up Pacific Coast
Highway 1 back to San Francisco. It was really cold on the coast but
warmer as we moved inland again.
headed to Sausalito for lunch. W got a great video of us riding over
the bridge. We then rode back over the bridge - $6 toll for a motorbike. What a
rip-off! I got us back to the hotel on Post Street, W checked in and
took our bags in and I went to hand the bike back. It wasn't due till
tomorrow morning but if took it back early it would save hassle
tomorrow. So I make the not unstressful rise through downtown SF back to the
bike shop. So glad to hand it back without any mishaps. Then, still wearing my bike kit, I walk out of the bike shop, hail a
cab and get back to the hotel. When I get back W asks me where the luggage is. Ha ha - of course she
already has taken our stuff in. No really - where is the lugage we
left at the bike shop for the week. Oh... Looks like I'll be making another trip to the bike shop tomorrow
morning. Damn.
Friday, 2 July 2010
some video riding towards Carnel Valley
We've got a better video in Carmel Valley but I can't post it yet because it's too big. Will do later.
Lake Nacimiento and Carmel Valley Road
Frenchman on Kwak

We saw this guy stopped at the side of the road crossing Lake
Nacimiento dam. We didn't see the 'No Parking Any Time' signs till
after we had stopped and got off.
face helmets and proper biking jackets. We explained we were European
then it made sense to him and we agreed that most Harley riders are
mad going about with tiny helmets and just t-shirts. Turns out he was French and had been living in California for 30
years. He sounded like he had just got off the boat. We told him we were heading for Carmel Valley Road and he warned us
that the road was quite small and difficult. Another few minutes chat
and we were on our way...
Thursday, 1 July 2010
Wednesday, 30 June 2010
Pacific Coast Highway 1 to Cambria
Tuesday, 29 June 2010
Penguins and pancakes
- Went to Monterey Bay Aquarium. Saw more sea otters. Penguins will rule the world one day
- Now in San Francisco. Exited BART as Gay Pride March went past with ticker tape falling from the sky. A suitable welcome for our arrival I think.
- Waited 40min for a table for breakfast at Dottie's True Blue Cafe. I had pancakes but I didn't really like them that much tbh.
- Went to visit a friend at Google HQ today. Google HQ rocks. Please can I have a job there? I could be a gardener or something...
- Going to pick up the Harley tomorrow. Now the real holiday starts!
Sunday, 27 June 2010
Spot the Seal
Saturday, 26 June 2010
Spot the Seal
Wednesday, 23 June 2010
Freezing in Asilomar; TomTom California map?

We arrived in Asilomar yesterday after a 2.5h bumpy bus ride from San Francisco. This conference place is a little odd - kind of like a cross between a scout camp (Douglas Wood anyone?) and something from Amityville.
Sunday, 20 June 2010
Time to ride California again

On Tuesday I'll be flying out to San Francisco and on the following Tuesday I'll be picking up a Harley-Davidson Electra Glide and riding for four days around California. I did this 6 years ago and loved it. This time I'll have W sitting behind me! Like the social media geek I am I'll be using Posterous to tweet, blog and Facebook my pics as I go along. If Google Latitude worked properly on an iPhone I would be able to track my route properly too. Use a map you say? Yeah I guess that would make sense...
Saturday, 30 January 2010
Post Office Oxford
two people serving. I wonder how busy it has to get for them to
consider opening all the counters. Really people should be grateful
that the Post Office has shut all the local post offices. If they
hadn't people wouldn't get the opportunity to travel in to central
Oxford and queue for 20 min. Thank you Post Office for being so useless!
Saturday, 16 January 2010
LipDub videos and stupid record companies

I made a Barenaked Ladies LipDub movie with some friends in Dundee over Christmas as a wedding present for a friend. It was inspired by a fantastic LipDub movie of the Black Eyed Peas' song "I Gotta Feeling." It's such a fantastic clip, I think I've probably watched it more than a dozen times (also see the follow-up 'making of' video). It's impossible to watch without it putting a smile on your face.
$1000000 LipDub from Steven Renwick on Vimeo.
A LipDub movie we made to Barenaked Ladies' "If I had $1000000" for Kev and Hilary's Wedding (8th Jan 2010). Filmed at various locations in Dundee and Carnoustie.
Image from Flickr user Tracy Russo used under a Creative Commons licence.