Thursday, 21 February 2008

Space Pirates vs Ghostbusters

Is this the best remix ever? I've never even seen this "Space Pirates" programme (it's on CBeebies!), but I can't get this mix out of my head. Man.

Credit: the Chris Moyles Show.

Tuesday, 19 February 2008

Page 6

Page 6 are a Dundee band. Andrew has been trying to get me to listen to them for a few years and at first I didn't really like the music.

However, when I was back in Dundee at the weekend I went to see them perform a small gig in Drouthy Neebors and now I'm thinking they're pretty good.

Andrew also has an amusing cameo in one of their videos, which I think is worth a watch/listen as it's a pretty good tune. Have a listen to their MySpace page and let me know what you think (Jo - this means you!). They've got a few songs that I think wouldn't be out of place in the Top 40 (not that that is necessarily a good thing these days).

In case you wonder which one Andrew is he is the tall, dodgy dancing guy in a suit. Ha ha!

Hopefully they can make it big and replace "The View" as Dundee's musical envoys.

Check out this video: Dancing Boy

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Anyway, I just bought their album through their MySpace page. I'm sure it's this post on my blog that will be their big break. I will accept royalties...

Saturday, 16 February 2008

Gilbert O' Sullivan

Gilbert O' Sullivan
Originally uploaded by major_grooves
As promised, Andy and I did some Sleeveface photos. Have a look here to see all our photos.

Check out the whole Sleeveface group on Flickr.

Friday, 15 February 2008

What sandwich have you got?

Cheese baguette of course!

Annoyingly, whoever put this on YouTube managed to miss the first couple of seconds. Allow me to fill the gap - one of the builders asks "what sandwich have you got today?" and they all answer thus:

A legendary clip me thinks. It opened up a whole new world of Chemin' the Fat to an international audience (some more enthusiastic than others!).

I'm about to ride the bike up to Birmingham Airport to catch a flight to the Mothership. Still not sure what I'm going to do with the bike helmet. Hope the ride's not too cold.

Wednesday, 13 February 2008

Current Account Interest

They say you're more likely to get divorced than change your bank account. I've been with Natwest since I was 17. That £50 they gave me to join when I was starting Uni basically paid for 7 days drinking in freshers week. Inflation hasn't been kind to that offer since I joined in 1997 and last I saw they were offering about £25 to join the student account. Shows I didn't study economics as that looks like the value has gone down, not up.

Anyway, I think I get an almighty 0.1% interest on any balance in my account. I checked out a price comparison site and found Alliance & Leicester were offering 8.5% (until April 2008) on current accounts. Anything is better than 0.1%. I don't quite understand how Natwest can have any customers when other banks will throw money at you to join.

Anyway, if anyone else fancies joining A&L, they will give us £50 to share as introduction fee. Just let me know and I'll give you the form to complete! :D


I'll have to go through Dad's record collection when I go home this weekend.


Sunday, 10 February 2008

Cloverfield vomit fest

We went to see Cloverfield at the cinema tonight. It was a great movie - has to be experienced on the big screen!

What wasn't cool was that someone actually threw up in the cinema while we were watching it. There were signs on the way in to the cinema warning that some viewers may experience motion sickness, because all of the movie is filmed on a hand-held camera.

Yes, towards the end of the movie, the putrid smell of vomit overwhelmed us. I had visions of a "Theme Park" (remember that game?) style vomit chain reaction. Luckily W went and got someone who walked through the cinema spraying deodoriser, which masked the smell till the end. Kind of like flying Ryanair in a really wide plane, with in-flight entertainment.