Sunday, 15 March 2009

Nonspherical femoral head shape

I went back to Wimbledon Clinic the other day to see the consultant physiotherapist who specialises in patella-femoral problems.

This was in fact the longest consultation I have had - 90 minutes. Went through quite a lot of the usual tests, but then she also started testing my hip strength. Apparently my left hip is super weak. I had to lie on my side and raise my leg, then she pushed down on my leg and I had to resist the movement. On my right side I could resist the push, on the left side - nothing.

So she thinks what might be causing my problem is my left femur is turning inwards due to the weakness, which then puts the kneecap under pressure. That, coupled with my dodgy gait, means sore knees.

She also put me forward for a hip X-ray as I also complain on hip pain. In the mobility tests I had extremely immobile hips, but it didn't seem to be due to muscle tightness - just the physical limitation of how far my legs could move.

I got a CD with the X-rays in the post the other day. What a lovely pelvis I have! I got a phone call from my consultant the other day to talk me through the results. So, apparently I have nonspherical femoral head shape, which explains why my hips are so inflexible.

That would explain the following:

  • When everyone else was doing side-kicks at Ju-Jitsu aiming for the solar plexus, I could only aim for ankles.
  • I can't really sit with my legs crossed.
  • When rock climbing, I can't spread my legs with my feet facing in opposite directions when bridging. I had to adapt and have both feet pointing the same way.
  • I have real trouble getting my leg over a motorbike.
  • On some bikes, I get incredibly uncomfortable as the fuel tank spreads my legs too far. I can only ride skinny bikes!
It doesn't change anything and the consultant says it's nothing to worry about unless I start getting more hip pain, but it's nice to know what has made me so inflexible all these years.

So now I am a bit more of an intense physio programme to build up my left quad as well as my outer hip muscle. I will also be having more physio in Oxford to follow a new programme that my London physio has drawn up for me after seeing the X-rays.

Only problem is that I only have £88 of my BUPA out-patients money left, so hopefully I don't need much more done this year or it could get pricey!


Unknown said...

is the CD in-the-post standard practice, or did you have to ask for it?

also, as your insurance money runs low, do you know how much they charge for X-Rays?


Major_Grooves said...

Not sure exactly what you mean. The basis of the LoveFilm service is that you receive the DVDs in the post and send them back in the post. It is quite convenient - much better than visiting the local video store. Also, there are no late fees - you can keep them as long as you like.

I'm not sure off hand how much the X-rays are, but I have had the bill itemised before when it went to my insurance company so I can find out and could pay for it myself if I wanted.

Unknown said...

sorry for the confusion - I meant the CD of the X-Rays you referred to in the blog!

Major_Grooves said...

Ahhhhhhh! I thought you were referring to my subsequent post! Now I feel stupid. Doh!

Well, I don't think it is standard practice. I think it depends on where you get them done. All my treatment for my knee has been private. My first X-rays, which I got done in Oxford, did not get sent to me. My second set of X-rays, which I got done at a clinic in London, were the ones that got sent.

I think the London clinic was a bit more specialist (and expensive) so they perhaps try to offer a better service, which includes sending you the CD.

also, there are separate pots of money with your insurance. I think the X-rays might have come out of a different diagnostics pot.