Saturday, 3 July 2010

All done and dusted

The biking is done for this year. Today we rode North up Pacific Coast
Highway 1 back to San Francisco. It was really cold on the coast but
warmer as we moved inland again.

We decided that we wanted to ride over the Golden Gate Bridge so
headed to Sausalito for lunch. W got a great video of us riding over
the bridge.

We then rode back over the bridge - $6 toll for a motorbike. What a
rip-off! I got us back to the hotel on Post Street, W checked in and
took our bags in and I went to hand the bike back. It wasn't due till
tomorrow morning but if took it back early it would save hassle

So I make the not unstressful rise through downtown SF back to the
bike shop. So glad to hand it back without any mishaps.

Then, still wearing my bike kit, I walk out of the bike shop, hail a
cab and get back to the hotel.

When I get back W asks me where the luggage is. Ha ha - of course she
already has taken our stuff in. No really - where is the lugage we
left at the bike shop for the week.


Looks like I'll be making another trip to the bike shop tomorrow
morning. Damn.

Posted via email from Steven's posterous

1 comment:

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Celebrate this Christmas season with joy and gladness in your heart...

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