I had my third acupuncture session this weekend. Pic is my leg with the acupuncture needles in it. This time it was a different "doctor". Tellingly, he put the needles in different places from the other guy with none in my knee at all. He stuck one of them in teh top of my foot. You can't see it in the photo, but it didn't feel too nice getting stuck in. As usual I got the "I think my leg is going to start twitching" feeling towards the end, which is a bit scary.
After about 20min he came in and I though he was going to remove the pins, but no - he was just there to "tweak" them! Argh!
Anyway, once he was done I went out, drank some Chinese tea, let the girl tell me I needed another seven sessions, then smiled as I bolted out the door. I might try acupuncture again, but maybe elsewhere.
your foot is tiny!
No Dougal - my foot is very far away!
You should keep the pins in and go as the guy from Hellraiser for Halloween!! Scary...
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