Sunday, 12 November 2006

Partying Summertown Styleee

Jing, Miguel and a couple of Wendy's friend's came round last night for dinner and drinks.

I made Hunter's Chicken with Kailkenny (mash with cabbage and cream), both from my 'Scottish' cook book. I'm not really sure what is particularly Scottish about Hunter's chicken but it tasted pretty good!

We then went along to the Summertown Wine Cafe, which to Miguel's disappointment didn't serve any Bacardi. Nor did they serve cheese after 10pm. What they were happy to serve was fairly expensive wine. Still it was nice wine and I felt a bit so-fish-tika-ed.

Apparently the ladies toilets at the Wine Cafe are highly thought of. I can't comment on the gents because I was slightly drunk and my memory is a bit hazy. Maybe I didn't go...

After we'd rocked Summertown big-style, we headed into town (minus Wendy and her friends) to go to 'Maxwell's' nightclub. Hmmm, this place was a bit dodgy. Definitely near the bottom of my Oxford recommendations. Kind of like an American diner as a nightclub.

However, despite the dodgy club, my dancing was still spot-on. I drew a few admiring glances with my 'skipping dance' but decided to stop when I realised I looked like a complete moron skipping round a nightclub. Actually I have no idea when or why I stopped...

I got the nightbus home but, ummm, forgot to get off at my stop so had to walk back a bit. Reminded me of the days of the nightbus to Wembley when I'd wake up in Stanmore.

Today - hangover. After a while Wendy and I went into Oxford to meet Jing and Miguel for lunch at the Old Tom.


neuba said...

Awesome pic!

I am a little dissappointed I missed out on the dancing.

Anonymous said...

It sure was a good night. Maxwell's is pretty dodgy but they play some good skipping tunes! Looking forward to the next night out

Major_Grooves said...

Not as dodgy as the pics from your camera!

Anonymous said...

Hi! I was in the same club as you on Saturday night.

I just wanted to say the skipping dance by the guy with the inside-out t-shirt was amazing! You are so cute! My sexy girly freinds and I all agreed we would love some hot skipping guy action! 10/10 You make my heart skip a beat!

However, we were very dissapointed by the other dancer - the taller, perhaps Dutch or Portugese, guy. His dancing lacked style and the erotic rhythm of the inside-out tishirt guy's dancing. He put no feeling or love into the skip. 4/10. Must try harder!

Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm Lisa's friend. I just wanted to say that I quite fancied both 'skipping men'! But just when I was about to make my move, I realised that I could detect more luuurve between the two men than anyone else there......I obviously backed off!

Anonymous said...

Nothing makes me prouder than to see my bitches getting it on!